Помогите, прошу!
Переделать предложения в косвенную речь по образцу.
Example: Feed the cat. - She told me to feed the cat.
1. Come home straight after your studies.
2. Warm up your dinner.
3. Wash up the dishes after the dinner.
4. Buy bread, milk and sugar.
5. Start doing your homework before I come.
6. Take the dog for a walk.
7. Tidy up in your room.
8. Wait for me at home.
Answers & Comments
She told me to come home straight after my studies.
He told me to warm up my dinner.
She told me to wash up the dishes after the dinner.
They told me to buy bread, milk, and sugar.
I was told to start doing my homework before they come.
He told me to take the dog for a walk.
She told me to tidy up in my room.
He told me to wait for him at home.