III. Translate the sentences into English. Use Complex Object.
1. Я хочу, чтобы вы прочитали эту книгу.
2. Мой брат хотел бы, чтобы мы ходили в спортивный клуб вместе.
3. Мама надеялась, что я стану доктором.
4. Ты бы хотел, чтобы мы навестили тебя?
Answers & Comments
1. I want you to read this book. 2. My brother would like us to go to the sport club together. 3.My mother hoped I would be a doctor 4. Would you like us to visit you?
Answers & Comments
2. My brother would like us to go to the sport club together.
3.My mother hoped I would be a doctor
4. Would you like us to visit you?