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While staying in a big city you visited an exhibition of a famous artist. Describe your impressions in a letter to a friend (at least 100 words), using the plan below.
• Say when and where the exhibition took place;
• tell some interesting facts from the biography of the artist;
• describe your impressions of the exhibition;
• sum up the pros and cons of the exhibition
Answers & Comments
Ответ:hi, Tom is writing to you (your name).
I want to tell you about the big Exhibition that took place in Santa Barbara at the power plant last week. It featured paintings by the artist Dali.
His first exhibition of paintings took place at the Municipal Theater in Figueres, when he was 14 years old, can you imagine? And as a child, Dali was a wild and capricious child.
I liked the exhibition very much. There were many beautiful paintings, and the exhibition itself was very large.
I learned a lot about drawing and Dali's work. The exhibition influenced my life and changed it for the better. I want to somehow enjoy the paintings of this artist with you.
Перевод: привет, Том тебе пишет (твоё имя).
Хочу рассказать тебе о большой Выставке которая проходила в «Санта-Барбара» на электростанции, на прошлой неделе. На ней были представлены картины художника Дали.
Его первая выставка картин состоялась в муниципальном театре Фигераса, когда ему было 14 лет, представляешь?А ещё В детстве Дали был необузданным и капризным ребенком.
Мне очень понравилась выставка. Там было много красивых картин, да и сама выставка была очень большой.
Я узнала много нового о рисовании и о творчество Дали. Выставка повлияла на мою жизнь и изменила её в лучшую сторону. Хочу как нибудь насладиться картинами этого художника с тобой.