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В России есть много категорий граждан, которые нуждаются в социальных пособиях. Подобные выплаты осуществляются за счёт Федерального бюджета. социальные пособия получают инвалиды, сироты, ветераны войны, многодетные семьи, пенсионеры, безработные.
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In Russia there are many categories of citizens who need social benefits. Such payments are made from the Federal Budget. They are paid to the disabled, orphans, war veterans, families with many children, pensioners and unemployed.Verified answer
In Russia there are a lot of categories of citizens ( social groups) who need social benefits. Such payouts/payments are made from the Federal Budget. Social payouts are paid to the disabled, orphans, war veterans,large families( families with dependent children),pensioners and unemployed.