Помогите пожалуйста написать 3 отрицательных предложений, 3 утверждительных и 3 вопросительных! 6 класс
Answers & Comments
I cut apple sometimes. - Я режу яблоко иногда. Present Simple. утверд. ф.
She going home now. - Она сейчас идет домой. Present Continuous. утверд. ф.
They have bought (неправильный глагол) sandwich.- Они купили сендвич. Present Perfect. утверд. ф
Do I cut apple? -Я резала яблоко? вопр.ф.
Is she going now? -Она сейчас идет домой? вопр.ф.
Have they bought sandwich? -Она покупали сендвич? вопр.ф.
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1) I don't have any money , because I am child 2) He haven't time watch the TV , because he is very busy 3) She doesn't go to school , because she had disease .
1) Yesterday I went to walk with my friends in the park 2) I am preparing a talk in English 3) My hobby is dancing
1) How many books do you have ? 2) What is capital of England ? 3) Isn't difficult to speak on pictures and use English words in the topics or dialogues ?
Answers & Comments
She going home now. - Она сейчас идет домой. Present Continuous. утверд. ф.
They have bought (неправильный глагол) sandwich.- Они купили сендвич. Present Perfect. утверд. ф
Do I cut apple? -Я резала яблоко? вопр.ф.
Is she going now? -Она сейчас идет домой? вопр.ф.
Have they bought sandwich? -Она покупали сендвич? вопр.ф.
2) He haven't time watch the TV , because he is very busy
3) She doesn't go to school , because she had disease .
1) Yesterday I went to walk with my friends in the park
2) I am preparing a talk in English
3) My hobby is dancing
1) How many books do you have ?
2) What is capital of England ?
3) Isn't difficult to speak on pictures and use English words in the topics or dialogues ?