пож ответти на вопросы с 1-2 предложения:
1. Do you like history?
2. Where one can get information about historic events.
3. What history can teach us.
4. If people always learn lessons of history.
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Answers & Comments
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1. I enjoy learning history.
2. One can get information about historic events from books (fiction and non-fiction), TV programmes, the Internet (there are a lot of interesting web-sites).
3. History can help us to understand people and societies and explains changes in societies. Studying history allows us to learn from the mistakes of our ancestors so we do not do the same things, but... see point 4
4. People seldom learn lessons of history. Even those who know and remember many historical facts still repeat the mistakes of that past. Most politicians and military leaders of the 20th century were graduates of schools and universities who focused on the study of ancient and modern history and yet they were not able to avoid two world wars and lots of local conflicts.