Привет всем.Помогите составить на английском языке рассказ на тему "Мой любимый праздник".Пожалуйста очень срочно.С женского рода.*Маленькое что бы можно было выучить.Строчек 3-4.
Of all the holidays of the year I like the most - New Year, but the New Year, celebrating because it is not only you, but all your friends, acquaintances and not familiar to you people. From this the soul becomes more joyful and solemn, and the closer to the end of December, the more heart-stopping in anticipation of miracles and gifts.
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Of all the holidays of the year I like the most - New Year, but the New Year, celebrating because it is not only you, but all your friends, acquaintances and not familiar to you people. From this the soul becomes more joyful and solemn, and the closer to the end of December, the more heart-stopping in anticipation of miracles and gifts.