Составить расказ о себе по плану: 1)имя фамилия 2)сколько лет 3)где живешь 4)где и когда родился 5)где закончил школу 6)какая оценка была 7)какие предметы любимые 8)любимое хобби 9)у меня есть семья 10)какие планы на будущее
Answers & Comments
My name is ____________ and my surname is ____________ . I am 20years old. I live in Moscow. I was born in 1994 in St. Petersburg. I finished school in Moscow with good grades. My favourite subjects were maths, literature and natural science. My hobbies are swimming and walking with my dog in the park. My family is not big. There are four people - my dad, my mum, my sister and me. I have some plans for the future. They are: to get a university degree, start a career in management and have five children.
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