Translate into Ukrainian. State whether the words below are genuine or pseudo-international. Substantiate your judgements.
Addressee, adequate, admiral, algebraic, allergy, Alpine, archive, bamboo, botanist, bronchitis, capillary, cybernetics, dissymmetric, ellipsis, epochal, evacuee, fantasia, geometer, hierarchical, inductor, morphemic, morphologist, non-metal, parallelepiped, professorate, reduction, scenery, stereometry, subcommittee, substantival (gram.), synthetic, systemic (gram.), technologist, utilize, vacuum, voltameter, waffle, zinc, xylonite.
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Translation into Ukrainian:
Адресат, адекватний, адмірал, алгебраїчний, алергія, альпійський, архів, бамбук, ботанік, бронхіт, капіляр, кібернетика, дисиметричний, еліпсис, епохальний, евакуйований, фантазія, геометр, ієрархічний, індуктор, морфемний, морфолог, неметал, паралелепіпед, професорський колектив, редукція, декорація, стереометрія, підкомітет, субстантив (грам.), синтетичний, систематичний (грам.), технолог, використовувати, вакуум, вольтметр, вафля, цинк, ксилоніт.
Genuine or pseudo-international judgment and substantiation:
1. Addressee - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English word "address" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
2. Adequate - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
3. Admiral - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "admiral" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
4. Algebraic - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
5. Allergy - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
6. Alpine - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "Alpine" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
7. Archive - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
8. Bamboo - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
9. Botanist - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
10. Bronchitis - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
11. Capillary - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
12. Cybernetics - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
13. Dissymmetric - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "dissymmetric" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
14. Ellipsis - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
15. Epochal - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
16. Evacuee - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
17. Fantasia - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
18. Geometer - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "geometer" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
19. Hierarchical - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
20. Inductor - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "inductor" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
21. Morphemic - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
22. Morphologist - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "morphologist" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
23. Non-metal - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
24. Parallelepiped - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from Greek through English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
25. Professorate - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "professorate" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
26. Reduction - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
27. Scenery - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
28. Stereometry - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from Greek through English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
29. Subcommittee - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "subcommittee" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
30. Substantival (gram.) - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
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32. Systemic (gram.) - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
33. Technologist - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
35. Vacuum - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from Latin through English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
36. Voltameter - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "voltameter" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.
38. Zinc - Genuine: This word has been borrowed from English but is widely used and accepted in Ukrainian without changes.
39. Xylonite - Pseudo-international: This word is based on the English term "xylonite" but follows Ukrainian spelling rules.