Уровень 5-9 класс Написать текст по картинке используя эти фразы + описать клоуна и не только одежду а и эмоции по типу спокойный или весёлый + описать слегда детей, нравится им клоун или нет. Объём 1 - 1,5 стр 5-10 предложений
In the picture I can see…..
There is\ there are….
She is \ They are..
As for me, ….
Answers & Comments
Відповідь: In the picture I can see a clown with some little children. All of them are girls. I think it’s a birthday party. There is a man wearing colorful clothes. As for me, he is showing some tricks to little girls. Also one of them is holding a baloon in shape of flower. I can suppose that it’s made by a clown.
Children look happy and a clown looks like he likes his job and is very interested in making kids smile. It’s a fun birthday party.