Задайте вопросы ,используя слова в скобках :
1 . We shall go into space in ten years. (When)
2. Starkid will give you star skates. (What)
3. Children will play football tomorrow. (Will)
4. My brother will learn English in two years. (What)

1 . John woke up at a quarter to seven.
2. She went to the library yesterday.

3. He began work at nine sharp.

4. He was in France last year.

3.Закончи предложения :

1. The capital of the United Kingdom is .... a) Oxford; b) England; c)

2. The best-known river in Great Britain is .... a) The Nile; b) The
Volga; c) The Thames

3. The British money is ....

a) the dollar; b) the pound; c) the cent

4. The Raven Master in the Tower of London is the person who ... a)
gives the ravens food; b) guards the Tower; c) paints pictures

5. Buckingham Palace is ....

a) the London home of the Queen; b) a prison; c) a church

6. St. Paul's Cathedral is ....

a) an art gallery; b) the seat of the British government; c) a famous

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